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ETI demonstrates the affordability of a UK low carbon transition in an update of its energy system scenarios

8 October 2018

Andrew Haslett
Andrew Haslett Chief Engineer

Since first publishing our ‘Options, Choices, Actions’ report in 2015 we have seen market developments including the historic signing of the Paris Climate Agreement and a renewed focus for clean growth from the government. Now updated for 2018, this report examines the possible effects of these changes on the originally identified pathways.

It is important to stress that Clockwork and Patchwork are not forecasts, but rather two plausible scenarios. Through our modelling analysis over the last decade we believe that by following a balanced, multi-vector approach the UK will be able to achieve its long-term emissions targets while keeping costs to around 1% of GDP in 2050. These scenarios also show that if key technologies are taken off the table, these costs will inevitably rise, potentially jeopardising UK industrial competitiveness and limiting lifestyle choices.